Current Global Landscape and Priorities for Action

The CCO is called upon more now than ever to provide leadership in navigating a complex and rapidly evolving stakeholder landscape. To capture perspectives from their broad view of the stakeholder and business environments, and to inform their guidance on the societal issues their organizations are increasingly expected to address, we undertook this new research in partnership with The Harris Poll.

The Page-Harris Confidence in Business Index is a public opinion study assessing how important a range of 16 societal issues are across 14 global markets, and the degree to which people have confidence in business' ability to have a positive impact on these issues. The results provide a window into how organizations can identify high-priority issues, and how the perception of these issues can shift across geography, age and political leanings.

We also fielded an informal poll of Page member CCOs, asking about the key opportunities and risks they see from their unique vantage point, included in the report.