About the Event


Event starts on Thursday, April 5 at 7:45am ET with registration followed by a networking breakfast and is expected to conclude on Friday, April 6 after lunch. Full seminar registration includes reception and dinner on April 5, 2018. 


Guest attendance at full event (conference plus dinner): The spouse/partnerof a Page Society member may be registered to attend the Spring Seminar. Page members may also register one additional guest provided they are eligible for and interested in becoming a member of Page or Page Up. Please refer to the criteria for Page membership and the criteria for Page Up membership to determine eligibility before registering a guest. Guest registration for prospective members is not final until eligibility is confirmed by the Page Society. 

Dinner-only guests: Dinner guests need not be eligible for membership, and are exempt from the one-per-member limit. Members have the option of sponsoring full tables during the dinner.More information can be found in the Spring Seminar Guest Policy. Registration for dinner will open soon. 

For questions about Guest Policy or membership criteria, please contact Marianna Frantzis, Membership Manager (mfrantzis@awpagesociety.com).


50% of the conference fee is refundable if cancelled 31 days in advance of the scheduled start of the event (by Tuesday, March 6, 2018). There will be no refunds, in whole or in part, for cancellations received within 30 days of the event (starting Wednesday, March 7, 2018). Registration fees are non-transferable.