The devastation and destruction caused by the natural disasters in Japan has had a profound impact on the world – including our businesses, colleagues, customers and friends in Japan.

As every company with employees in Japan, Ingersoll Rand has mobilized to ensure employee safety and business continuity. With the safety of our employees and their families as our number-one priority, we quickly moved to ensure that they were all accounted for and safe. We are in regular contact by telephone and email with our employees and the appropriate government agencies to ensure that every necessary precaution is taken as the situation changes. We also have been working through business continuity plans, including alternative office space in safe locations, and contingency plans in the event that the devastation extends beyond Japan. Our Global Safety and Global Services organizations are developing plans and tools to safely help our customers get back on their feet and recover/restore their products and systems. The enterprise and sector leadership teams are meeting daily to make sure that no stone is left unturned.

We also have set up a special matching fund for employee donations to the cause.

Our presence in Japan is relatively small - 150 employees in Japan, primarily in Tokyo and Gunma. While everyone is currently safe, we recognize that the situation is dynamic, particularly for our Sendai employees.

I would be interested in hearing from fellow Page colleagues with impacted employees what plans they have in place or what contingencies they have created given this disaster. If they have found any agencies to be particularly helpful, how they are handling movement of employees, what charitable efforts they are undertaking, how they are keeping the rest of the organization advised in terms of travel, help, etc. Key highlights of programs and initiatives would be of great interest.

Patty Blackburn
Vice President, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs
Ingersoll Rand
