Twitter’s change in ownership has led to a state of rapid, and often unpredictable, change for the platform leaving many corporations wondering if remaining on the platform will be tenable moving forward. 

It is against this backdrop that the Page Community gathered for a conversation on business’ relationship with Twitter. To start the conversation, attendees were polled on what their biggest concerns about Twitter are, which are shown below.

twitter concerns
  • After breaking into small-group discussions, members shared some of the risks they are considering while guiding their organizations on the situation. 
  • Many attendees feel like they are in a catch-22; if they stay on the platform, they risk a certain level of reputational damage by existing in a space that is becoming increasingly hostile. However, users may still spread misinformation about their organizations if they are not on Twitter, which they would struggle to combat if absent from the platform

    ○ To meet the issue halfway, a number of attendees stated that they were maintaining owned accounts on Twitter while suspending advertising on the platform.
  • Considering Elon Musk has a number of other business ventures, including aerospace and auto manufacturing, some brands are left wondering how to navigate their competitive relationship with him while on the platform.
  • One member raised the point that there was a perceived bias at Twitter prior to Elon Musk’s acquisition; watching his actions, and the voices he chooses to amplify through the platform, will tell whether he is working to eliminate editorial bias on the platform or enforce an alternate bias.

Attendees were also asked what “successfully emerging” from this situation would look like. Members shared that there are actions that both businesses and Twitter can take to reduce the risks associated with the platform.

  • For some, the best-case scenario would be for Musk to make good on his promise for the platform, establishing it as a public area for multiple narratives being allowed to exist and for people to seek out truth from noise, while reducing clearly dangerous and harmful content in tandem.
  • Others stated that, while the platform’s attempts to self-regulate have not panned out, the tool still holds tremendous value for reaching stakeholders.

One thing is certain: this is a dynamic situation that members are keeping a very close eye on, while taking the opportunity to reassess their communication channels, and diversify their social media presence to minimize their exposure. Even if new management is brought on, as is being speculated, the issues surrounding moderation, accountability and risk are almost certain to persist.