The Page Up Innovation Award recognizes Page Up members who develop and implement groundbreaking approaches that are used by their organizations to chart new pathways in the profession. The past year has been extraordinary, to say the least, requiring communications professionals to rethink even the most tried and true, time-tested approaches. This year the Award was set to recognize groundbreaking, forward-thinking ideas, and approaches in response to challenges around COVID-19 and/or social issues.

The innovation award committee was torn between two impressive submissions. As a result, they recognized Megan DiSciullo as the runner up – a first for the Page Up Innovation Award. Megan launched PwC‘s Commtech stack, and created a digital upskilling program.

Dan Nestle of LIXIL recognized with this year’s Page Up Innovation Award for pushing boundaries and driving progress in their organizations and our profession.

Dan’s initiative at LIXIL, helped them build a virtual team from across geographies and organizational silos, brought marketing technology to bear in Communications, and drove a months-long agile project that continuously adapted to the way audiences responded. The campaign was successful from a thought leadership perspective, generating more than 1.6M impressions of LIXIL content and 3K+ visits to the campaign landing page from LinkedIn Sponsored Media. You can read more about Dan’s award-winning work here.
