Page Pulse
By Kelly Greene ● Dec 24, 2024
Smart Brevity® count: 3.5 mins...983 words
Welcome to the sixth edition of Page Pulse, your source for the latest in our lil’ world 🌐. Thanks for reading 📖!
Happy Holidays to all!! ☃❄🍾
Let’s dive in!

👏Welcoming Dr. Rochelle Ford as CEO
Dr. Rochelle Ford
We are thrilled to announce Dr. Rochelle Ford as our new CEO, starting January 2, 2025. Her leadership experience and strategic vision will guide us into a promising future.

Rochelle’s proven track record as a transformative leader at Dillard University highlights her capability to enhance financial health, drive innovation and elevate reputation on a global scale.

Her vision for Page: At this pivotal moment, Rochelle aims to advance our strategic vision, focusing on global expansion and evolving the role of the CCO while fostering professional excellence worldwide.

Our opportunity: Rochelle is committed to mentoring high-performing teams and cultivating a thriving organizational culture. Her collaborative approach will empower staff development and success in their career journeys.

🎉A New Phase for the DAA
DAA Team
In 2025 the Diversity Action Alliance (DAA) will transition to an independent nonprofit organization, marking a significant step approved by both the Page Board of Trustees and DAA Board.

Why it matters: This transition underscores DAA’s operational maturity and readiness to function independently. This was always the DAA’s goal and we are so proud of Carmella and the DAA team!

What’s next: Bella, Carmella and board leadership (both for Page and DAA) are preparing a press release, expected to be released by the end of the year or early January. Please keep this information confidential until officially announced.

What it means for us: Carmella will focus solely on leading DAA, stepping away from her role at Page. We extend our gratitude to her for her contributions. Page remains fully committed to the DAA and Rochelle will share more about our continued commitment as 2025 gets underway.

📝Last few staff meeting recaps

Recap of Recent Staff Meetings

12/5 Page Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights:
Dr. Rochelle Ford was approved to be our new CEO.
The DAA proposal was approved (more details on that above.)
The committee chairs have been confirmed for 2025 except for Darcy Keller's co-chair on the Membership Committee. This should be resolved at the next board meeting.
Slates of 26 Page and 24 Page Up nominees were approved.
Don Stacks has completed his board service.
Trustees were informed of the 2023 Audit. The auditor has a few recommendations for our processes, especially around IT security and credit card receipts. Special shoutout to Aashna for everything she did to support this effort as well as the membership team on member dues reconciliation!
The 2025 Operating Plan and Budget were approved.
The trustees reviewed our 2024 performance and were proud of our efforts. The only negative is that our budget came in significantly in the red due to less attendance and higher costs at the Spring Seminar and Page Annual Conference.

Page Up Annual Conference Debrief: Dhaakira and Shahil gave a high-level overview of how we were rated on the Page Up Annual Conference.

By the numbers: The conference received a 4.56 out of 5 rating, with 97% of respondents acknowledging its relevance and diverse perspectives. The full debrief can be found here.

2024 Bonus Update: Roger reminded the team that salary adjustments were made a few years ago due to the Executive Committee not wanting to overfund the bonus pool as it adds to deficits. There is never a guarantee the bonus target will be 100%. Roger is grateful for everyone’s efforts this year and for plans next year.

Transition to Slack: The switch to Slack is underway, aiming for efficient communication, organized collaboration, nuanced accessibility and increased engagement. Ensure your channels are up-to-date and well-integrated by January, as Workplace will be phased out in mid-January.
If you have additional questions about our new platform, reach out to our Chief of Slack, Aishik.

🗣🎙Announcements and Reminders
Confetti flying out of a megaphone.
Upcoming deadline: Board meeting materials are due by January 23, with slides needed by January 28.
Anne is drafting a laptop policy for interns. Notify her a week in advance if your intern’s term ends to arrange a return label.
The Page office will be closed from December 25 - January 1. Enjoy the holidays!

What’s the Leadership Team (LT) focused on?
Four hands holding markers.
We’re mostly focused on onboarding Rochelle and preparing for significant upcoming events in the new year.
Onboarding Rochelle: Briefing documents have been prepared to help support Rochelle in her new role. She will meet with each staff member in January (Anne will work with everyone to schedule these), with our first staff meeting set for January 14 in which we will spend time getting to know her and vice versa. Two truths and a lie submissions are due no later than January 2.
FLE Recruitment: Nominations stand at 50, with a goal of 60. Tiffany deserves a special shoutout for her efforts!
WEF 2025: Page has nine events planned for members in Davos, with Rochelle and Bella attending. New research will be presented on-site. Kudos to Bella for her planning.
Spring Seminar: Ensuring we have critical mass attend especially as we just learned of a major conflict - 2025 PRWeek Awards on the evening of March 13.
Staff changes: Omar and Stephanie rocked it while Marianna was out on maternity leave and have earned new responsibilities supporting Membership committees, giving Marianna more time to focus on strategic recruitment.

Winter Staff News
Shahil is going to be a DAD! So far, Saba is feeling much better now that the first trimester is behind her. We are THRILLED for you both!
Mia ran the New York Marathon and made us most proud!!

💛 Thanks for reading!
🤠Special thanks to my editor, Jerrick Haddad, who goes above and beyond to ensure each issue reads smoothly!
We will miss CEO Roger but are excited to work with member Roger! Just don’t expect any preferential treatment😜. Have a great restorative break.


By Kelly Greene ● Jul 02, 2024
Smart Brevity® count: 4 mins...1084 words
Welcome to the third edition of Page Pulse, your source for the latest in our lil’ world 🌐. Thanks for reading 📖!
Let us know what you think ⬇️! Topic suggestions? Feedback? Hit reply or reach out to me at

One big thing: Roger is stepping down 😓

roger and kids
Maybe he will join the Reds full time?!
🗣 Roger announced he will be stepping down from his role as president at the end of 2024.

Succession Planning update:

> The board has taken several steps to ensure a smooth and orderly transition.

> Aedhmar Hynes has been appointed Chair of our CEO Search Committee. This committee will oversee the process of identifying and selecting our next CEO. Jean Allen of Hendrick & Struggles will be supporting this search on a pro bono basis, leveraging her expertise from previous collaboration with us.

> The committee includes Marc CloostermanBecky EdwardsJon IwataBrian LottMaril MacDonald and Grant Toups (Page Up).

> The first meeting of the Search Committee took place on June 24 and moving forward, the committee will meet weekly every Tuesday to keep the process on track.
The committee comprises a diverse group of individuals who bring a wealth of experience and insight. Aedhmar will regularly update the Nominating & Governance Committee and the Board on the search progress.

> 🫶*I will support the committee and thus, be in a “cone of silence”🫢. I’ll update the staff along the way without giving away anything confidential. If you have specific concerns please reach out to me. I care so much about maintaining the culture that we have worked so hard to build and I plan to ensure that Aedhmar and the committee understand this.

📝Last two staff meeting recaps
Click to view dashboard, tableau login required.

Here’s what we covered in our June 27 and June 13 staff meetings:
Page in Cannes, France

Page@Cannes: Bella reminded everyone that in 2023 we started hosting receptions and short programs at tentpole global conferences, including at Davos, Milken and COP28 and we were just at Cannes.

> She shared that Page had an event there where around 20 members and prospects attended.

> She noted there is still work to be done to further elevate what CCOs can bring to these conversations.

2025 Operating Plan and Budget Timeline: Dan reminded us of the key dates for the operating plan and timeline. The first key date is September 13 in which we will send our draft budget + operating plan proposal for our individual areas to Aashna + Dan.

> The timeline can be found here.

> The operating plan template can be found here.

> If you need support on any of this, please feel free to reach out to Dan or Aashna.

June 20 Page Board of Trustees Meeting Debrief:

> The board selected our 2024 Distinguished Service Award honoree, Bill Heyman, and was reminded that our previously decided choice for the 2024 Hall of Fame inductee is Gary Sheffer. Please keep these confidential until we announce the winners publicly.

They discussed our succession planning strategy and process for selecting a new CEO of Page.
Reviewed a bylaw amendment proposal that will be voted on in the August board meeting.
> Approved slates of 26 new Page nominees and 19 Page Up nominees for membership. These are the largest slates this year. 🎩Hats off to the Membership and International Teams!

Reminders and Announcements for staff:

> Take the mid-year staff survey so we know how we are doing on our HR and culture work!
> Update your KPIs on an ongoing basis.
> Roger would like to continue doing 1:1s with every staff member. Anne will reach out to everyone in the coming weeks to set these up.
> Set up your mid-year review with your supervisor.
> 🎉 The Page office will be closed July 4 - 5.
> 🩴 As many people will be out at certain times during the summer, we encourage you to please add your time off to the staff calendar for awareness. Thank you!
Please update your committees in Airtable so we have accurate records.

What’s the Leadership Team (LT) focused on?

Illustrated collage of a man using binoculars looking directly at the viewer

We are focused on succession planning, CCO working groups, strategic plan KPIs, the Page Up brand, committee composition and representation, diversity efforts and a pre-AC event for CCOs only.

Succession planning: We want to understand if we have any influence on who is chosen as Roger’s successor. Aedhmar plans to share the job description with us for input as a first step.

CCO working groups: We want to ensure that there is no overlap and that the groups are not feeling overwhelmed with this project. We will continue to check in at upcoming staff meetings.

Strategic plan KPIs: Peter and Eliot have worked hard on a framework for strategic plan KPIs that show the health of the organization. They are planning to present these to the Page Board of Trustees at their August meeting.

Page Up brand: Page Up has evolved in the last ten years: it’s a step in the journey for some and a destination for others. We want to build on the narrative work that Steve Halsey produced and ensure that Page Up is seen for what it is, an elevated professional organization that has evolved!

Committee composition and representation: We discussed ensuring a broad range of perspectives on conference committees, beyond just demographics. There were concerns raised about the autonomy given to conference committee chairs potentially limiting diversity by keeping committees small. Lauren and Dan have been working on a draft policy that will ensure greater diversity on conference planning committees. Thanks to you both!

Diversity efforts: We discussed the need to integrate DEI principles across all functions within the organization. This includes reviewing member-facing aspects like policies and vendor selection for ADA compliance and examining internal practices like salary adjustments through an equity lens.

Pre-AC event for CCOs: We are inviting CCOs to a pre-event ahead of the Annual Conference on a benchmarking approach which we think will be of huge value to them. We hope it will drive more attendance at the Annual Conference in general.

DAA News


The DAA's commitment is a leadership oath on behalf of the companies they represent to take action that demonstrates their commitment to what they all deemed essential in 2020.

🎉A big congratulations to Carmella and the DAA team as they met their $370K goal through signatory membership, scholarships and partnerships!!! The president’s report can be found here.
Why it matters: Because we must collectively drive momentum to continue creating an industry and organizations that thrive from diverse perspectives and fair treatment.

Staff News
staff at bbq
Dan's bbq in Staten Island, NY!

Special thanks to Dan, Lili, Abigail and Kai for hosting their annual BBQ for NYC staff members. It’s always a special day and his family is so gracious to do this!

Some highlights:
Baby Panos made his Page debut and Roger solo’ed his new song titled “Leaving on a good Page.”

shahil and saba
Saba and Shahil rocked out!

💛 Thanks for reading!


By Kelly Greene ● May 17, 2024

Welcome to the second edition of Page Pulse, your source for the latest in our world.
> Let us know what you think ⬇️! Topic suggestions? Feedback? Hit reply or reach out to me at

How often would you like to receive the Page Pulse?
When important things arise
Your response is anonymous📖
Thanks for reading!
One big thing: Page Staff Offsite

Page team in ATL!🎉 

Two weeks ago we gathered in Atlanta, Georgia to reconnect and align as a full team.

🔑 Key takeaways:

* Many of us met Tiffany, Mia, and Manuela in person for the first time!

* We met with our new chairs, Kelli Parsons and Umayma Abubakar, and heard about their leadership journeys and what they hope to accomplish during their tenures.

*We heard an update on the 2023 staff survey, progress made, and the 2024 HR/Culture priorities.

*We brainstormed ideas for better delivering on the CCO member value proposition. Many of those ideas are coming to life through our agile teams working together over the next three months.

Why it mattered: Building personal connections and aligning on our goals is crucial for fostering a strong team culture and driving collaboration across departments and initiatives. We strengthened our relationships and had fun together, which made us feel more connected. This will help us care even more about the work we are doing together.

Also, the fact we spent focused time on practicing agility in our scenario-based activity underscores our commitment to staying agile in the rapidly changing business landscape.

*💡Our “Pagility” definition = “The ability to assemble small, multi-functional teams to work with speed and flexibility on projects as needed. At an individual team member level, this may require temporarily changing or adding to your work responsibilities.”👀 

Looking ahead: let’s continue to prioritize our relationships and care about each other, embodying our “Pagility” mindset as we navigate through the rest of the year.

Next steps:

* Roger is working closely with Lauren and Jennifer Temple (Page AC Chair) to plan a special opportunity for a select group of CCOs ahead of the Annual Conference. More to come on this.

* The Culture Club is incorporating feedback into its master plan (linked above) for the year and will roll out initiatives throughout the rest of the year.

* Five Page Up task forces have been formed to help carry out Umayma’s priorities. Three task forces have met and are off to the races. You’ll hear more about these soon.

* Bella sent instructions for the agile teams who should be meeting over the next three months. A team lead should be chosen and a simple project overview should be developed by May 24.Unaddressed ideas from the post-chair presentation team brainstorms will be discussed at our first "Page Hat" meeting in June. What is a “Page Hat” Meeting? The Leadership Team will meet bi-monthly to focus on key issues, approaching them from an organization-wide perspective rather than their specific department…with their “Page Hat” on!

🔗Offsite links:

*All decks, notes, and documents that have been collected so far are saved on the Server: HR - EMPLOYEE RESOURCES/Staff Offsite Meetings/2024 Offsite

* Check out the master deck here.

*Our post-offsite survey is live and in your inbox from Aashna — the survey will close next week on May 21.

*Most importantly, photos and videos can be found here. Note, that some are not suited for children 🤠
💡New Thought Leadership Report is Live!

Beyond Communication: CCO Leadership in Navigating New Complexity
Download the Report

Why it matters: As the business landscape shifts due to global disruptions and changing societal expectations, the chief communication officer (CCO) role is expanding and transforming.

*This is one of the major findings of our latest research report, Beyond Communication: CCO Leadership in Navigating New Complexity.

*In it, we analyze how the role has evolved in the five years since our last major report, The CCO as Pacesetter.

*Page’s Thought Leadership reports are a big deal, so we encourage you to share about it on LinkedIn!
📝Last two staff meeting recaps

New Tableau Dashboard for Staff

Here’s what we covered in our May 16 and April 18 staff meetings:

New Tableau Dashboard: Shahil previewed the above new dashboard. We will spend a few minutes at every staff meeting going over the highlights.

Spring Seminar Debrief: The Spring Seminar received a 4.6 out of 5 rating. Note, that this was previously reported higher in error. Dive deeper here.

Chair’s Council Meeting Debrief: The Chair’s Council is made up of current and former Page and Page Up chairs, Hall of Fame members, and Distinguished Service Award winners.

*They meet annually and we update them on progress from the previous year and any issues we may be grappling with.

* They are trusted advisors and we aim to use their wise counsel.

* We recently covered these topics with them: 2023 Review, 2024-2026 Strategic Plan, 2024 Operating Plan and Budget, and the New Thought Leadership Report.

Reminders and Announcements for staff:

* Update your KPIs on an ongoing basis.

* Set up your mid-year review with your supervisor.

* 🎉 The Page office will be closed on Memorial Day (May 27).

* 🌴 Summer Fridays begin Friday, May 24, and run through Friday, August 30. Here’s our policy

* 🩴 As many people will be out at certain times during the summer, we encourage you to please add your time off to the staff calendar for awareness. Thank you!

* Remember there is an optional no-meetings week from July 1-5. If possible, we encourage you to take a break from meetings and catch up on work. Note, that we are closed July 4-5!

* Dan’s next project management course is coming up on Tuesday, May 21 for those involved. Remember to do your homework!

* Eliot’s Thought Leadership series is coming up! The first one is on Thursday, May 23! Come one, come all!
What’s the Leadership Team (LT) focused on?

Two hands with one outstretched finger each touching the top and bottom of a bright lightbulb.

Mostly follow-ups from the offsite.

* Starting next week, they will be meeting every week. If you have any issues you would like to bring to them, please email By meeting more regularly they hope to be more disciplined around discussions and make decisions in a timelier way. On that note, we have guidelines for when and how to use our different day-to-day communication channels which relates to this and is a good reminder for all.


* One important thing that came out of the offsite is that the LT wants to regularly meet for a few hours bi-monthly to focus on issues that may require cross-functional teamwork and leadership. As mentioned above, they’re calling these “Page Hat” meetings as attendees will think of the organization as a whole rather than of their departments. Staff members will have access to these meetings on an as-needed basis if there is a particular issue that they may have a stake in.

* The LT is dedicated to these commitments as a reminder. If you have any suggestions or feel that the LT is not living up to any of them, please reach out to Kelly for discussion.
Staff News

Omar graduates!

Omar owning Columbia.

It’s not every day that one of our own graduates from an Ivy League! Big congrats to Omar on completing his Masters of Arts in Communication and Education from the Teachers College at Columbia University. We’re proud of you, Omar!
💛 Thank you to everyone for taking the time to invest in your colleagues and Page two weeks ago. We know that for many of you, time away from family and commitments is a big ask — we appreciate you!



By Kelly Greene ● Apr 17, 2024

Welcome to the first edition of Page Pulse, your source for the latest in our world.

> Each issue aims to inform you on important milestones and things coming up, past meetings you may have missed and want to get up-to-speed on and what the Leadership Team is focused on.
> Let us know what you think! Topic suggestions? Feedback? Hit reply or reach out to me at

🎉 Hope you enjoy our debut issue, and the many more to come…
1 big thing: 2024 staff offsite is in less than two weeks! 🎉

2023 Dream Team!
The staff offsite will focus on teambuilding, relationship building with our new chairs and advancing the 2024 HR and Culture priorities.

Why it matters: So we feel more connected and part of one cohesive team that works effectively together. And so we have fun together!

When: Tuesday, April 30 - Thursday, May 2 (*LT arrives Monday, April 29)

Where: The Whitley Hotel in Atlanta, GA

The agenda is dropping in your mailbox this week!!
2. 📝 Last staff meeting recap

Conference table
Here’s what we covered in our April 4 staff meeting:

Spring Seminar Quick Takes: The event in Paris was a success! So far, it’s been our highest rated Spring Seminar in the last decade - a 4.79 (out of 5) to be exact.

March 20 Board Meeting Debrief: If you want a deep dive on this, you can read the April board update.

The new Thought Leadership report will analyze how the role of the CCO has changed since 2020. The key findings of the report include:

1. The CCO is rising to the challenge

2. The CCO remit is expanding

3. Employees come to the fore

5 Technological advancement outpaces our ability to keep up

5. CCOs are stretched and leading teams not yet suited to new demands

On Page Up, Umayma presented her priorities to the board and it raised some questions about whether external audiences and Page members understand Page Up. We are forming a task force that will focus on how we might better activate the brand leveraging the work that was done on the new mission, purpose and narrative.

Weekly Email Digest: The Comms Team has piloted a new digest for our members as they are trying to send less emails while trying to engage more members!

KPI Tracker: This is up and running again thanks to Shahil as we are tracking our metrics on a monthly basis.All KPI leads should update the tracker by the first month of every month.The data team will flag anywhere we are falling behind for leadership and the full team.

2024-2026 Strategic Plan KPIs Brainstorm: We broke out into small groups that focused on these key goals

> Continue progress toward being a more international association

> Make the value of membership accessible through digital

> Use pioneering thinking to expand our sphere of influence

> Prepare CCOs and their teams to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow

Full input on all seven goals of the new strategic plan can be found here

Next staff meeting agenda:
> Debrief Spring Seminar Survey Results
> Quick debrief on Chair’s Council meeting

🔗 Links to go:
> KPI Dashboard
> All staff meeting plan
3. Welcome to Page 👋

A welcome mat.

What’s New: This week we will welcome one new member to the Page Team!

Tiffany Cook: Learning & Engagement Manager (taking over Natalie’s role of overseeing FLE though Dhaakira is still handling event logistics!)

> She is based in Houston, TX (Bella - maybe you both are neighbors!)
> She officially starts this Friday, April 19
4. Catch me up

Illustration of a person reading a newspaper, on the visible pages are columns of text forming an upward trending bar graph

💡 Got an idea for an upcoming staff meeting or something fun we can do together virtually? Email Kelly.

🎫 The 2024 Page Annual Conference Registration Page is live! You can register members here!

🎒Mid-year performance check-ins will begin in May/June!

👀 Keep an eye on your inbox later this week for our staff offsite agenda!!
What’s the Leadership Team focused on?

Brain in a thought bubble

Mostly the offsite and how they will spend their time together.

Why it matters: Because they want to maximize their time together and drive impactful outcomes. They will aim to enhance team cohesion, foster creativity and align on strategic goals while ensuring their limited time together is utilized effectively and meaningfully (same for the full team!)

Specific topics that they are considering:

> How we are working as a Leadership Team

> Brainstorms around specific topics like how to drive CCOs to Page!

> HR and Culture

> Deep dives into the strat plan issues that create cross-functionality