About the Event

COP28 - the 28th Annual United Nations climate meeting - is around the corner and set to provide an opportunity to face the climate crisis and plan for a better world for people & the environment.

From November 30 - December 12, thousands of experts, journalists, community members, and representatives from businesses and nongovernmental groups will join together in Dubai to discuss how to confront climate change. Among these attendees are several Page members.

On Tuesday, November 21, at 10:30 a.m. ET, Page will host an open forum for the Page community to discuss COP28 and compare notes on their organization’s stance. This will also be an opportunity for Page members that are attending COP28 to discuss and coordinate their organization’s messaging.

If you have any questions about the event or your registration, please reach out to Mia Skwiot at mskwiot@page.org.