About the Event

In 2024, with elections in 60 countries and half the global population voting, geopolitics and elections emerged as top risks for businesses, according to CCOs. While navigating this tense & polarized political landscape presents challenges - it also offers an opportunity for CCOs to build public trust and contribute meaningfully to societal conversations.

Join us on Thursday, March 28 at 9:00 a.m. ET for a discussion with Médard Schoenmaeckers, SVP, Global Head of Corporate Affairs at Boehringer Ingelheim, as he addresses the 2024 geopolitical landscape, strategies for dealing with its impact on supply, trade, and energy, and the importance of a communications strategy with long-term goals.

If you have any questions about the event or your registration, please reach out to Mia Skwiot at mskwiot@page.org.