About the Event


Learn how to become an indispensable leader in creating long-term value for stakeholders.


Date: February 13-15, 2024

Venue: Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT

Fee: Until October 30 - $8,000 | After October 30 - $8,800


New generations expect more from the companies they work for, buy from, invest in, and permit to operate in their communities. In response, businesses are broadening their value creation for a range of stakeholders and for their own competitive differentiation. The real job of a CEO, according to Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, is “To create that continuous balance between the multiple constituents” of the organization, yet “there was no preparation for it.” This reveals the need for real management science — a set of proven, research-based frameworks, approaches, skills and KPIs — to guide true multistakeholder leadership. The Certificate Program on CCO Leadership in Multistakeholder Value Creation, developed by Page and the Yale School of Management’s program on Stakeholder Innovation & Management (Y-SIM), is the first and only executive education program to provide just that.


The program’s curriculum was developed by Y-SIM based on pioneering work led by Jon Iwata, former SVP and Chief Brand Officer at IBM and Executive Fellow at the Yale School of Management, and it is based on Y-SIM’s 100+ CEO/CXO interviews and Page’s own research and thinking, offers a methodical approach to practicing stakeholder capitalism. This includes original resources and case studies designed exclusively by the Y-SIM program — all the tools leaders need to apply the approach in their own organization.



Learn more about why Jon worked with Page and Yale to develop the program and why he believes Page and Page Up members should see this as an investment in themselves and their futures.

Faculty led by

Ravi Dhar_sq

Ravi Dhar

George Rogers Clark Professor of Management and Marketing
Yale School of Management


Professor of Psychology


Co-Faculty Leader
Yale Program on Stakeholder Innovation and Management
Yale School Of Management


Jon Iwata

Jon Iwata

Executive Fellow &
Lecturer in the Practice of Management


Practice Leader
Yale Program on Stakeholder Innovation and Management
Yale School Of Management


Over a 35-year career at IBM, Jon held multiple roles, including being the leader of the company’s global marketing, communications, and citizenship focus

  • Monday, January 29: One-hour webinar hosted by Yale. Participants share what they have come to learn and get exposed to the Yale online learning platform and pre-reads.
  • February 13-15: A 2½-day in-person seminar
  • March 2024: Participants share how they have been incorporating learnings and ask follow-up questions.
  • April 2024: Original Y-SIM case study

Pre-event Webinar

One-hour webinar hosted by Yale. Participants share what they have come to learn and get exposed to the Yale online learning platform and pre-reads.

Yale Hosted Evening Reception Dinner at The Study Penthouse

6:30 p.m.

Introduction to Page’s Perspective on Stakeholder Capitalism

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

A lecture and discussion of the role of the CCO in not only defining commitments, but also in ensuring that the enterprise takes the appropriate steps to build the systems, processes and incentives to make it real.

Roger Bolton

Participant Discussion of CCO Challenges

10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Knowledge sharing of various approaches, challenges, and best practices.

Roger Bolton

Key Learnings and Opportunities from Over 100 CEO Interviews

11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Understand the evolution of the purpose of business and what CEOs need from their teams to successfully create value for both shareholders and other stakeholders.

Ravi Dhar
Jon Iwata


12:15 - 12:30 p.m.

Team discussion.

Ravi Dhar
Jon Iwata

Operationalizing Purpose and Values

1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Learn how leading CEOs use purpose and values to drive culture and strategy. Guest speaker Reidar Gjærum, Equinor’s former Global Head of Communication and Senior Advisor to the CEO, shares learnings from the business and brand transformation of Statoil to Equinor and how they navigated stakeholder relationships to support that evolution. Case Studies: Nike Purpose, Equinor Pre-read: Equinor Executive Summary, Nike CEO interview video, Nike Impact Report

Ravi Dhar
Jon Iwata
Guest Speaker: Reidar Gjærum from Equinor

Influence Without Authority

3:15 - 4:30 p.m.

Achieving your organizational objectives will invariably require commitment and buy-in from stakeholders over whom you have little or no formal authority. Learn what strategies and tactics leaders can utilize to garner greater informal power and influence for themselves and for the organizational units they represent. Case Study: Xerox Pre-read: Xerox case study

Jim Baron


4:30 - 4:40 p.m.

Team discussion.

Jim Baron

Prep for Day 2: Acting on Stakeholder Issues

4:40 - 5:00 p.m.

Participants share current frameworks they use to determine the materiality of issues.

Jon Iwata

Yale Hosted Networking Dinner at Mory’s Members Only Association

6:30 p.m.

Determining Relevance of Stakeholder Issues

9:00 - 10:10 a.m.

Companies are increasingly being asked to take a stand on stakeholder issues. Learn what factors to consider when choosing which issues to address and how to act on them. Assess Y-SIM’s framework. Analyze stakeholder reactions to recent events. Case Study: CEO Perspective: Nike and It’s Role in Society

Ravi Dhar
Jon Iwata
Guest Speaker: Virginia Rustique-Petteni from Nike

Analysis session

10:10 - 11:20 a.m.

Analysis: Bud Light, Disney, Target Pre-read: Summaries for Bud Light, Disney and Target

Nathan Novemsky
Ravi Dhar
Jon Iwata

Stakeholder Reactions to Corporate Action or Inaction on Issues

11:35 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.

Evaluate findings from Yale's quantitative studies that uncover implications when businesses remain silent or take a stand on stakeholder issues.

Nathan Novemsky
Jon Iwata
Jennie Liu


12:35 - 12:45 p.m.

Team discussion.

Jon Iwata
Ravi Dhar

Framing Multistakeholder Problems

1:45 - 3:15 p.m.

Learn how to approach, analyze, and solve complex problems in a structured way by viewing problems through multiple lenses and thinking about multiple stakeholders to clarify and solve problems.

Nathan Novemsky

Stakeholder Design for Innovation

3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

Learn from leading executives how to develop solutions for projects that must consider the requirements of various stakeholders with seemingly irreconcilable differences. Go from making trade-offs to innovating. Case Studies: Enel, How Nike Manages Sustainability at the Core of the Business, The Hartford Pre-Read: Stakeholder Design Overview, Enel Executive Summary, The Hartford Executive Summary

Jon Iwata

Optional Page Hosted Dinner at Famous New Haven Pizza Beinecke Room Yale SOM

5:30 p.m.

The Role of Incentives in Stakeholder Behavior

9:00 - 10:10 a.m.

Learn how investor behavior, CEO compensation plans, and external pressures influence long vs. short term return tradeoffs, risk management, and resource/investment allocation. We will also discuss how the cost of capital and ESG investment can impact the adoption of green technologies with potentially long payback periods.

Kelly Shue

Integrating Financial and Non-Financial Metrics

10:25 - 11:25 a.m.

Guest Speaker Andy Pharoah, VP of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Mars, walks through a tool that identifies financial and non-financial stakeholder objectives and shares how Mars collaborates across the C-Suite to translate them into management objectives. Case Study: Mars Pre-read: Economist article – Mars Inc gets the purpose v profit balance right

Jon Iwata
Ravi Dhar
Guest Speaker: Andy Pharoah from Mars

Full Session Sensemaking

11:25 - 11:35 a.m.

Actionable insights.

Jon Iwata
Ravi Dhar

Closing Ceremony

11:35 - 11:50 a.m.

Remarks, survey, and certification ceremony.

Jon Iwata
Ravi Dhar

Post-event Webinar

Participants share how they have been incorporating learnings and ask follow-up questions.

Post-event Webinar

Original Y-SIM case study.