Would Arthur Page have been a blogger if web 2.0 was around in his day? I have a hunch he would have embraced the blog. He was, after all, all about listening to the customer and making sure AT&T was responsive to the public.

In that spirit, we launch the Arthur W. Page Society Blog. We're calling it Page Turner, and we hope it will read like one. We're looking to start a robust conversation about the amazing changes buffeting global companies and the rapidly evolving role of the chief communications officer.

Contributors to the blog will be members of the Page Society, and we are encouraging comments on the postings from anyone in the corporate C-suite, the public relations profession, academia or anywhere these issues matter.

What, the stuffy old Page Society wants no-holds-barred dialogue on real issues? Well, yes, except for illegal holds as defined by us (see our comments policy). We're not going totally crazy — we have our stodgy corporate reputation to preserve.

Initially, many of the postings will address questions raised by the Page Society's new white paper, The Authentic Enterprise. The paper has already stimulated fascinating discussions within Page about the rapid and sweeping change that challenges the ability of global institutions to manage their brands and reputations, while creating new opportunities for these institutions to build more meaningful, value-added relationships with diverse stakeholders.

But we'd hardly be true to the lessons of The Authentic Enterprise if we kept the conversation amongst ourselves. The white paper argues that companies wishing to build and defend their reputations in the 21st century must embody their own values in everything they do and build meaningful relationships with diverse stakeholders.

I figure that applies to the Page Society also. So, we'll try to hold true to the Page Principles (which, the white paper argues, are just as relevant today as they were in Page's time), while reaching out to colleagues in the C-suite and others who can bring new insights to our table.

In future postings, our contributors will examine the trends which are driving radical change and explore the implications of the paper's call to action. We'll call the blog a success if it stimulates dialogue that better prepares companies and chief communications officers to manage change.

We are eager to hear from you, so post your comments, and be sure to let us know how we can make the conversation more relevant to you.
