As the Authentic Enterprise pointed out, technology has created an interconnected world where speed becomes of the essence. We can see examples of this everywhere we turn — as new channels not even thought of when the Arthur W. Page Society began work on the paper demand a response time measured in minutes and seconds. Domino Pizza and McNeil PPC, maker of Motrin, are just two of the more high-profile companies to have learned that in recent months. In this environment where a month can seem like forever, a year is an eternity.

So the 12 month anniversary of Page Turner coming up this week is a significant event for the Page Society. Over the course of the last 12 months we’ve seen members contribute blog entries and comments across a wide range of topics. On some there has been broad agreement amongst us — on others vigorous, and healthy debate. All of that is to be welcomed, and those of us who have been asked to help guide the blog are keen to see even more dialogue and debate. Where to from here? The trend to interactive social media, to dialogue between interested stakeholders, is undeniable, and the Page Society has a responsibility to make sure that it is on the leading edge of this trend. Within that general intention, the blog continues to deliver value for members. But it is up to us as members to make sure we keep it fresh and relevant — otherwise over time it will give way to newer and different forms of interaction.

In the meantime — blog on!
