Arthur W. Page Society

Page joins eight other communication and PR organizations on a statement on the essential value of a free press

The statement below about the essential value of a free press globally was released this morning by PRSA. Page joins PRSA and other communications and public relations organizations in expressing our support for the critical role of a free press and the First Amendment. 

"The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”                 

~ Thomas Jefferson

This oft-cited quote conveys the fundamental importance of today’s free press despite its articulation before electronic, digital and social media were invented. The dramatic expression by a founding father who was brutally criticized by the media of his time underscores that the standing of a free press transcends politics, geographies or other affiliations.  

Today we join with our compatriots in the news media to proudly affirm the Fourth Estate as a vital engine of democracy. Without it, and without freedom of thought and expression as provided by the First Amendment, informed decision-making is not possible and individual freedoms suffer. From a global perspective, journalism serves all people through ethical pursuit of the truth.

As organizations devoted to professionals across the communications industry, we are dependent on a free press, and rely upon it as we speak honestly and fearlessly on behalf of ourselves, our companies, clients and causes. A free press provides citizens access to information and opinions so they can make their own judgments.

We collaboratively declare our support for journalists who bravely seek the truth, focus on facts, and hold government, business and other institutions accountable.

The American Advertising

The Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication

The Arthur W. Page

The Commission on Public Relations

The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications

The Institute for Public

The International Association of Business

The Public Relations

The Public Relations Society of

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