Membership Solicitation Policy
As an exclusive community that enables members to learn from each other and further the profession, our aim is to foster an open environment in which all are comfortable to participate and share insights and experiences. While making business connections is an important benefit of Page and Page Up membership, members should generally not engage in unsolicited pitching of products and services to other Page and Page Up members. We trust you to use your discretion.
Membership Generally
Members joining or rejoining the Society on or after June 29, 2011, must retain employment that would qualify them for membership (a “qualifying role”). On an annual basis, members who are employed in a qualifying role may, upon payment of the applicable membership fee, renew their membership in the designated class applicable to the member’s position. However, members whose then-current role does not constitute a qualifying role, and thus, makes them ineligible for continued Society membership, will be allowed a one-year grace period in which such member may become employed in a qualifying role. Upon expiration of such one-year grace period, if the member is still not employed in a qualifying role, such individual’s membership will terminate.
Any member who joined the Society on or after June 29, 2011, must retain a qualifying role in the designated membership class in which such member is registered (e.g., Individual Corporate, Individual Agency, Educator, Life, or Non Profit and Government); if a member switches from one designated class to another, such member must be employed in a qualifying role in the new designated class in order to maintain such member’s membership. For example, if Jane Doe moves from a Chief Communications Officer job to a public relations agency position, she must qualify under the rules guiding public relations agency membership in order to maintain her membership.
Membership for Life
Prior to June 29th, 2011, the Society has allowed members to automatically remain “members for life”, as long as their dues were paid on time each year (i.e., “members in good standing”). However, effective June 29, 2011, this policy has changed; provided, members who joined the Society prior to June 29th, 2011, will continue to maintain a membership-for-life status, as long as such members continue to be members in good standing. This new rule will also not apply to Hall of Fame members or Distinguished Service Award winners, who will continue to automatically qualify as lifetime members. Past Chairs of the Society’s Board of Trustees will also qualify automatically for lifetime membership.
Members joining or rejoining after June 29th will be eligible to apply for lifetime membership after they have been members in good standing for 7 years. A committee will review these applications for lifetime membership and make recommendations based on professional accomplishments, the individual’s role as a thought leader, attendance at Society events and conferences, financial support, and committee activities.
Miscellaneous Terms and Conditions
I acknowledge and agree that by signing and completing this Agreement, I warrant that I am duly authorized to enter into this agreement and further, that I will comply with all terms of membership set forth herein or otherwise made available to me by the Society. I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Society harmless from and against any claims damages or other expenses (including without limitation, attorney fees), arising out of any third party claim resulting from my breach of this Agreement or any other policies made available to me by the Society in connection with my membership with the Society. I acknowledge and agree that the Society shall not, under any circumstances, be liable to me for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages (whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages), arising from or related in any way to my membership with the Society. In no event shall the Society be liable to me for an amount greater than the payments made by me to the Society in the twelve month period prior to when the applicable claim arose.
I agree that, upon activation of my membership (or renewal thereof, as the case may be) as set forth herein, the Society may include my name in any representative membership list published by the Society.
I agree to pay, in a timely manner, any and all membership fees due to the Society and agree that in the event I fail to pay any such dues within thirty (30) business days of the applicable due date, the Society may terminate my membership without notice to me. I acknowledge and agree that the Society may terminate my membership in the event I breach any material term of this Agreement, the Bylaws or any other Society policy.
During the term of my membership, I understand that I may receive, or otherwise may learn of or have access to, confidential information of the Society (and in some cases, of other members) (collectively, “Confidential Information”). I agree to maintain in confidence and not disclose any part of such Confidential Information, except as expressly authorized by the Society. As a member, you may publicly disclose your membership with the Society, however, you may not identify any product or service as being sanctioned by, sponsored by or associated with the Society.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, excluding its conflict of laws principles.
Nothing in this Agreement and no action taken by you shall be deemed to render you an employee, agent or representative of the Society or any other member.
The terms of your membership may be amended by the Society at any time in the Society’s reasonable business discretion.
Except for the Bylaws, this Agreement supersedes and replaces any and all prior representations, agreements and understandings relating to your membership in the Society.