Arthur W. Page Society

What’s Next for the Arthur W. Page Society?

Aedhmar Hynes

Last week, I was honored to be elected as the 2018 Chairman of the Arthur W. Page Society.

At Page, we bring communications professionals together with the shared purpose of having a lasting effect on the world through the strategic advice we give to the enterprises we serve.

I believe the Page Society must evolve to meet the industry's changing needs. We have an amazing foundation and depth of understanding of the challenges the CCO faces, but to ensure we remain relevant into the future, we need to have a clearer understanding of how the Page Society benefits its members today.

Our findings show that members value and honor the standards upon which the organization was created. The Page Principles are more important now than ever.

But what effect do we have on society? The Page Model posits that we must help our enterprises build a strong corporate character deserving of trust and then build that trust with diverse stakeholders by starting with an open conversation intended to build a shared belief.

We must have a consistent point of view and perspective about the communication challenges ahead, while quickly addressing the problems of today with relevant and actionable information and opportunities for connection.

We also need to change the perception of Page as a U.S.-centric organization and make a stronger effort to become globally relevant. I believe passionately that the Page Society should globalize its activities and presence, carving out its place in the future of worldwide communications.

To do this, there are three themes we can focus on: Diversity, Diversity and Diversity.

Click here to continue reading about Aedhmar's vision for the Page Society..


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