Arthur W. Page Society

Three Things to Talk About in Toronto, from Daniel Tisch Echevarria, Page 2023 Annual Conference Chair

The theme of this year's Page Annual Conference is "Leadership Across Borders," a way to explore both the boundary-spanning role of the CCO and the global mindset required to be an effective leader. We spoke to Daniel Tisch Echevarria of Argyle Public Relations, the chair of this year’s conference, for his thoughts on what’s in store. If you missed it at Spring Seminar, you can watch him describe how the theme was chosen here.

“Communications leaders are doing more than crossing national borders for a conference. We're dealing with blurred boundaries at every level, between shareholders and stakeholders, employees and customers, business and politics, online and offline, work and home,” he told us. “We're helping to break barriers to opportunity and inclusion from underrepresented communities. We're adding unprecedented value across our organizations. But we also need help from our peers to gain the resources, mindsets and skillsets for sustainable success.” 

“I’m particularly excited for our session called, ‘AI: A New Frontier for Communication,’ which will help us understand AI's emerging impacts on our organizations and our society. And in ‘Leadership, Comedy and Culture: Lessons from Second City,’ we’ll focus on how creativity can help create cultures that are caring, inclusive, adaptable and fearless.”

We’ll also preview findings from a global study conducted by the Institute for Real Growth (IRG), in which Page has participated. The study examines the respective roles of C-Suite leaders in maximizing value creation for all stakeholders. We’ll hear from the study’s leader and head of IRG, Marc de Swaan Arons, after which he’ll be joined on a panel by WD-40 CEO Steve Brass and Southwest Airlines CCO Linda Rutherford.  

While there will be a ton of great insights coming from the stage, we’ll provide ample opportunities for attendees to share with one another.  

There’s still time to register so you can be with us in Toronto on October 1-3 for the only Page member-only conference of the year.


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