Arthur W. Page Society

There’s Hope for Us Yet: Page Members Search for Community in San Diego

Search for Community in San Diego conference

In a year rife with civil unrest and political conflict, it’s begun to feel like the U.S. (and we’re not alone) is trending toward tribalism in its handling of the major challenges of our time. The immigration debate is billed as “us” vs. “them.” Same with taxes. Healthcare. Terrorism. Debt ceiling. Even our elections long ago stopped being about what’s best for the country and her people. Now it’s my team vs. your team, take no prisoners, zero sum, winner takes all.  

But we have recently been reminded that humanity is not doomed. Hurricane Harvey tore through Houston without regard for all our divisions. The “Cajun Navy,” a ragtag team of good Samaritans on private boats, kicked in to help with the rescue efforts. Many companies, including several Page member ones, are coming forward with all kinds of support – money, supplies, and resources for their employees and others affected by the storm. We’re all on the same team.

The fact that our people unify in times of tragedy is neither new or unique. But it does demonstrate how much good can come when people band together with common purpose.

At the Page Society Annual Conference in San Diego, which will open on September 17, we’ll be spending three days looking at the power of community, and the role of the CCO in unleashing and channeling that power.

The power of Page is in our community, coming together to debate the issues, share our insights and experiences, and make each other better leaders and stronger communicators. The Annual Conference is our homecoming, where that community gets to truly meet its potential. And it couldn’t be happening at a more consequential time. If you haven't already, you can register here.


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