Arthur W. Page Society

The “Thumbs” Behind the Twitter Posts

President Obama's revelation earlier this week that he is not the "thumbs" behind the Twitter posts that have become a hallmark of the new social media world order no doubt sent shock waves through social networks the world over. Or not. My University of Texas class of juniors and seniors were certainly disappointed. While most observers would have to assume the President of the United States is far too busy to be thumbing his own tweets, I'm sure there are many idealists who would have liked to believe he was indeed the authentic author behind those gracious invitations to follow and those near constant updates. Now we know for certain, he was not. The magical bubble has been burst. Some will write this off as ho hum. But is it really any different than some of the other "impostor posts" for which we have seen major corporations criticized? No, and it is no different than those letters from presidents through the last century that bear the official presidential seal; all ghost written in a mass production factory. But, somehow, I think many of us held out hope that social media would be different: Authentic, credible, personable. Today, the President. Tomorrow, beware of those masked marketeers!


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