Arthur W. Page Society

Making Sense of Generative AI Tools: A Temporary Primer

Generative AI (GenAI) – the artificial intelligence platforms and tools that you can use, with no prior technical skills or training, to create text, images, video, audio, code, and more – is an innovation accelerator. It can boost productivity, enhance creativity, make you a better strategist, eliminate language barriers, break through writer’s block, and so much more.

But how? Which tools should you use? Even if you’ve been working with GenAI since ChatGPT broke onto the scene in November 2022, the array of tools and platforms available now can be dizzying.

The good news is, there’s no need to go down too many rabbit holes and spend time learning the ins and outs of every new AI toy. You can accomplish almost everything with any one of the Large Language Models (LLMs) you might know better as GPT, Claude, and Gemini. Then, if you’re feeling a little adventurous, you can add in more as you go.

Here’s a primer to get you started and decide where you want to spend your time, at least at first. I’ve included the Big Three platforms and a few additional tools that will set you up for nearly any task you can dream of. Keep in mind that the world of GenAI is changing every day, so at best this is a temporary guide – check back in the future for updates.

One more thing: I should also point out that while everything I’ve written to this point is 100% human, I used Perplexity, a GenAI tool I’ve included below, to generate the primer.

FeatureChatGPTAnthropic's ClaudeGemini AdvancedPerplexityMidjourney
Core Capabilities- Engages in detailed, human-like text conversations.

- Assists with a wide range of writing tasks, from emails to creative stories.

- Provides coding assistance and educational tutoring.

- Generates images using Dall-E
- Designed for safe and ethical AI interactions.

- Capable of summarizing complex documents, providing detailed answers, and assisting in content creation.

- Features customizable tone and personality settings for varied interactions.
- Handles large datasets and integrates seamlessly with Google services.

- Supports complex tasks across text, images, videos, and audio.

- Ideal for content creators needing robust multimedia integration.
- Specializes in providing detailed search assistance and synthesizing information.

- Offers data-driven insights and complex analytical capabilities.

- Tailored for users needing in-depth research and content verification.
- Focuses on generating high-quality images and creative designs.

- Supports brainstorming and inspirational content creation.

- Best suited for artists, designers, and creative professionals.
Multimodal Capabilities- Supports interactions through both text and multimedia inputs like images and voice.

- Capable of understanding and generating responses based on visual data.
- Processes visual information effectively, interpreting photos, charts, and diagrams.

- Enhances user interaction by understanding and generating content that includes visual elements.
- Fully multimodal, capable of transforming any input type (text, image, video, audio) into any output.

- Advanced capabilities in handling and analyzing multimedia content.
- Primarily text-based but includes capabilities to handle limited multimedia inputs for enhanced search results.

- Focuses on textual data synthesis and presentation.
- Excellently handles image generation and manipulation.

- Limited capabilities in handling text but excels in visual creativity and output.
Limitations- Occasionally generates plausible but incorrect information.

- May struggle with very complex or niche technical queries.
- Tends to produce conservative responses, prioritizing safety.

- Limited ability to access real-time internet data, which can restrict response accuracy.
- Requires significant computational resources, which can be a barrier for smaller entities.

- Still optimizing for specific enterprise solutions and broader accessibility.
- Less effective in creative content generation compared to specialized AI tools.

- May not handle highly ambiguous queries effectively.
- Primarily focused on visual content, less effective for detailed text-based tasks.

- May not suit needs outside of creative visual fields.
Subscription Tiers and PricingFree: Basic features with access limitations.

Plus ($20/month): Enhanced features, faster response times.

Enterprise: Custom solutions and support.
Free: Basic interaction capabilities.

Pro ($20/month): Extended limits and early access to new features.

Enterprise: Tailored solutions for large-scale needs.
Standard: Basic multimodal capabilities.

Advanced: Premium features for intensive data processing.

- Pricing varies based on usage and specific needs.
Free: Basic search functionalities.

Premium: Advanced features for in-depth research, specific pricing not disclosed.

Enterprise: Customized solutions for extensive research needs.
Free: Basic image generation.

Pro: Advanced design tools and faster processing.

- Specific pricing varies, often based on project or usage scale.
Paid Subscriber Perks- Priority server access during high-demand periods.

- Access to the latest updates and features.

- Enhanced capabilities for image and voice processing.
- Increased interaction limits.

- Priority access during peak times.

- Early access to new features and updates.
- Priority technical support.

- Access to the latest multimodal features and updates.

- Enhanced processing capabilities for complex tasks.
- Advanced search capabilities and priority assistance.

- Access to comprehensive data sets and specialized analytical tools.

- Enhanced features for data synthesis and presentation.
- Access to high-quality image generation tools.

- Priority processing and support for large-scale projects.

- Early access to new artistic tools and features.
Ideal User Profiles- Suitable for individuals and businesses needing versatile AI for content creation.

- Ideal for educational purposes and customer service enhancements.
- Best for organizations that prioritize ethical AI usage.

- Suitable for educational institutions, healthcare providers, and customer-focused businesses.
- Designed for developers and businesses requiring advanced data analysis.

- Ideal for multimedia content creators and tech-savvy enterprises.
- Users requiring detailed, accurate search assistance and data analysis.

- Ideal for researchers, academics, and professionals in data-heavy fields.
- Creatives in visual fields such as graphic design, digital art, and advertising.

- Suitable for anyone needing high-quality visual content creation.



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