Arthur W. Page Society

Disruption or Destruction? Page Conversation on the Future Impact of Generative AI

Whether it was at our Page@Davos event, our following Page Conversation, or in passing discussion among members, generative AI tools have emerged as a critical consideration for the Communications function. Below are insights from a pair of Page Conversations on the topic; one with our East Coast/EMEA-based members, and another with our West Coast/APAC-based members.

Both audiences were polled on their use of ChatGPT. The results of both polls were comparable, with some major differences

Members then dove into deep discussion about the benefits, setbacks, and risks of generative AI. Below are some of the considerations they shared.

Do these tools pose a threat to the communications function?

This may be the first step in humans becoming a “referee” for communications

The risk it poses for disinformation is one of the greatest challenges communicators need to consider. 


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