Arthur W. Page Society

Developing the Next Generation

In his blog posting on October 5, 2010, Bjorn Edlund argues that schools have been slow to incorporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility issues into curricula because of silos among faculty…an issue we face too often in business.

Bjorn may be correct. But the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations has found that, all too often, faculty are simply unaware of what's “out there" and have a hard time of knowing how to best bring it to the classroom. That's why it's critical public relations professionals work closely with faculty to help them develop the next generation of public relations leaders.

The late Betsy Plank was committed to this concept and it's why the Plank Center brings professionals, educators and students together…and breaks down silos. A good example of that will be this Wednesday's Plank Center webinar with Chris Deri from Edelman, Billy Shores, Founder of Share our Strength, and Dr. Bob Heath, Professor Emeritus, University of Houston, discussing sustainability and CSR, what it is, what it isn't and how to best incorporate it into the classroom.


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