Arthur W. Page Society

Cybersecurity Requires a Strategic Chief Communications Officer

hacker looking at the laptop

Hackers steal way more than data, if you let them. But a well-prepared CCO has the potential to make all the difference. Brandie Claborn leads communications for Intel Security and in her latest Medium post she shares why cybersecurity requires a strategic CCO to partner cross-functionally to balance the needs of the c-suite with those of the internal and external audiences. Below is a preview of her post.

We're in the midst of a data explosion, which makes big data big business…and the bad guys want access to it. There are no surprises here; you've seen the headlines. Hackers are targeting businesses and individuals alike.

As CCOs, this makes our jobs more important than ever.

Even though I doubt you're thinking a cyber breach won't happen at your company, are you actively planning for one? If your company is breached, are you ready to respond? In the case of a natural disaster or product failure, we can look to well-established crisis communications guidelines for our response strategy. But a cyber crisis is different.

Click here to continue reading Brandie's post on Medium.


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